- Clear, consistent format includes a photo of each instrument along with its name, functions, characteristics, practice notes, and sterilization, with chapters progressing from basic instruments to more specialized instruments.
- Nearly 700 high-quality photographs and illustrations include both full and close-up views to help you quickly and accurately identify and differentiate dental instruments.
- Flashcard format makes it easy to quiz yourself and assess your knowledge of dental instruments.
- Pocket size, spiral binding, and Velcro® closure makes the book ideal for on-the-go study and ease of use.
- Interactive review activities on the Evolve companion website include chapter quizzes as well as tray setup exercises and questions.
- NEW content includes modern sickle scalers, Invisalign, CAD/CAM for orthodontics, magnified cameras for endodontics, temporary anchorage devices, cordless prophy handpieces, and more.
- NEW images of instruments include modern professional photographs, specifically many close-up views of instrument tips, and high-quality drawings of details that cannot be shown in a photograph.
- EXPANDED! In-use photos and illustrations show instruments or equipment within the context of dental care.
- Spiral-bound: 792 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 6 edition (April 14, 2017)
- Language: English
- Format: Original Publisher PDF.
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Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide 6th Edition PDF
Learn need-to-know information on more than 300 dental instruments! Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 6th Edition, makes it quick and easy for dental assistants and hygienists to master the identification and use of instruments and equipment used in everyday practice. It includes nearly 700 photographs and illustrations along with monographs describing each instrument’s use, characteristics, practice considerations, and sterilization. It’s also easy to review and to assess your knowledge, thanks to the flashcard-style, flip-book format. This spiral-bound guide is ideal both for study and for chairside reference.
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