CT Scan: Abdominal Emergency Surgery (PDF) 2019
Abdominal surgery can encompass any type of surgical procedure involving one or more of the organs found in theabdominal region of the body. Some of these organs include the kidneys, liver, and appendix. Surgery may becomenecessary due to a traumatic injury or natural disease. The three basic types of abdominal surgery procedures are known asan appendectomy, laparotomy, and laparoscopy. This book mainly focuses on the diagnostic impact of CT scans in severeabdominal trauma and in non-traumatic acute abdomen. Each chapter includes a description of a specific acute abdominaldisorder. In addition to the clinical presentation and the diagnosis and management guidelines, there is a special focus onimaging studies with clear and concise descriptions, high-quality images and the evolution grading scale to aidinterpretation. The present book is aimed to create a combined collection of study material for medical professionals,researchers and students to understand outcome of recent researches.The chapters have been written by the renowned andinternationally established experts. This book is an ideal source of practical information for acute care surgeons, radiologistsand for all the members of the emergency team.