Critical Care Examination and Board Review 1st Edition (Original PDF)
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A comprehensive one-stop reference for critical care medicine – bolstered by more than 500 Q&A
McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Critical Care Medicine is an evidence-based multidisciplinary perspective to critical care medicine. The format of each chapter consists of text followed by questions and answers. Authors from major academic centers discuss the basic principles of their field, along with the most recent studies. This unique review reflects the author’s belief that competency in critical care medicine is derived from multiple factors: an understanding of the basics of medicine, access to the most current evidence, clinical experience, and openness to palliative care.
•500+ questions and answers, with detailed answer explanations
•Covers all key topics on the ABIM Critical Care exam blueprint
•Numerous high-quality images, including: x-rays, CT scans, and electrocardiograms
•Essential for critical care fellows or intensivists studying for the critical care boards, as well as medical students, residents, and any other healthcare provider interested in critical care
•Each of the 36 textbook-style chapters are followed by Q&A
•Current guidelines from various specialties are incorporated, including their levels and/or grades of recommendation