Computer-Aided Analysis of Gastrointestinal Videos 2021
This book opens with an introduction to the main purpose and tasks of the GIANA challenge, as well as a summary and an analysis of the results and performance obtained by the 20 participating teams. The early and accurate diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases is critical for increasing the chances of patient survival, and efficient screening is vital for locating precursor lesions. Video colonoscopy and wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) are the gold-standard tools for colon and intestinal tract screening, respectively. Yet these tools still present some drawbacks, such as lesion miss rate, lack of in vivo diagnosis capabilities, and perforation risk. To mitigate these, computer-aided detection/diagnosis systems can play a key role in assisting clinicians in the different stages of the exploration.
Dr. Jorge Bernal del Nozal is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Associate Researcher in the Computer Vision Center, Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Aymeric Histace is Full Professor of Computer Vision in the ETIS (Information Processing and System Team) lab at ENSEA Cergy-Pontoise, France.