Companion animal bereavement: a one health workbook for veterinary professionals 2021 Original pdf
This book aims to deepen the understanding of what it is like for those struggling with the destabilizing effects of grief before, during and after death. It includes a new way of looking at grief which owners and professionals alike have found helpful and easy to understand. The content includes a number of exercises that can be downloaded and given to owners to take home, or used as discussion tools during consultations, for example during end-of-life conversations. Additionally there are handouts containing useful information on aspects such as after death services and coping with grief, which can also be downloaded and given to owners. These practical and useful guides are designed to support the owner and help them to understand what is happening, while at the same time facilitating effective and efficient communication between clients and the veterinary team making life easier for all concerned. The book also addresses the importance of self-care and peer support within the vet team or animal welfare organization, especially following difficult situations, such as an owner withholding consent to much-needed euthanasia, a traumatic death or dealing with the aftermath of multiple end-of-life procedures.