- Contains practical information for immediate clinical application
- Covers topics such as patient safety, error prevention, quality improvement, errors disclosure and apology, and the impact of errors on patients and doctors
- Each chapter contains special “take home” points that highlight issues of particular clinical relevance and application
- Prepared by an expert, multidisciplinary, international team of physicians, nurses, researchers, hospital administrators, bioethicists, patients and patient advocates
- Hardcover: 208 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (May 4, 2015)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF .Or Epub , Nva , Mobi
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Clinical Oncology and Error Reduction: A Manual for Clinicians 1st Edition
Clinical Oncology and Error Reduction fills a gap – the lack of a single volume on medical error in the vast field of cancer care – that has existed since a 1999 Institute of Medicine’s report introduced the term ‘medical error’ as a topic for doctors and patients alike. The volume, edited by Antonella Surbone, M.D., a clinical oncologist and Michael Rowe, Ph.D., a medical sociologist, includes chapters written by experts on the topic including physicians, nurses, patients, and advocates, and covers a wide range of topics essential to an understanding of the unique character, challenges, and needed responses to the risk, incidence, and aftermath of medical error in the diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath of treatment for cancer. Clinical Oncology and Error Reduction will serve as the standard for framing the discussion of error in the field for oncologists, epidemiologists, nurses, healthcare administrators, researchers, and scholars. An indispensable handbook for all clinical oncologists, their staff, nurses, and oncology residents and fellows, this book:
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