- Hardcover: 2954 pages
- Publisher: ASM Press; 4 edition (October 14, 2016)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook (3 Volume Set) 4th Edition
by Amy L. Leber (Editor)
Continues to serve as the sole major publication providing step-by-step protocols and descriptions that enable clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to perform all analyses from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation.
In response to the ever-changing needs and responsibilities of the clinical microbiology field, Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, Fourth Edition has been extensively reviewed and updated to present the most prominent procedures in use today.
The Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook provides step-by-step protocols and descriptions that allow clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to confidently and accurately perform all analyses, including appropriate quality control recommendations, from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation.
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