- 264 pages
- Publisher: Plural Publishing; Third Edition edition (March 30, 2012)
- Language: English
Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders Third Edition
The diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders continues to evolve into a major medical discipline that traverses multiple medical specialties, especially speech-language pathologists and otolaryngologists. This third edition of Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders is a core textbook that addresses the needs of those who will treat swallowing disorders as well as those clinicians who currently treat swallowing disorders in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and in private outpatient clinics. The essential aspects of dysphagia management are presented in a format that both beginners and clinicians needing a practical update on dysphagia will find useful.
The third edition addresses clinical issues in a concise way, provides handy tabular information, and offers practical treatment options for a wide variety of swallowing problems with medical, surgical and behavioral treatment models. The text focuses on treatment of swallowing disorders and avoids long discussions on the causes and complications of many neuromuscular diseases and neurological conditions that result in dysphagia. The Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders offers the practicing clinician a reference text of the procedures for the management of swallowing disorders.
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