- Paperback: 196 pages
- Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1 Pap/DVD edition (August 2013)
- Language: English
Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head & Neck Diseases 1 Edition
The Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head and Neck diseases covers ENT curriculum which can be utilized as a companion to an ENT textbook. A DVD version has been incorporated with brief surgical procedures by experts and can be well used for class room teaching. It is a comprehensive atlas showing anatomy, line diagrams, patient charts, clinical pictures, investigations, intraoperative photographs, histopathology, specimen of the diseases affecting the ear, nose, throat and head and neck region. The atlas has a foreword by eminent Prof PK Kakar with comments from global experts like Prof SK Kaluskar (Ireland), Dr DS Sethi (Singapore) and Dr John M Hodges (USA), Prof PS Saharia has clinical and teaching experience for over 40 years, in busy teaching and private hospitals in New Delhi, Dr Deepti Sinha, ENT consultant at Max Hospitals, Delhi has made a significant contribution. This atlas is meant to be utilized by ENT surgeons all over the world as companion to their textbook or as a ready reference book in their clinics.
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