- This state-of-the-art reference is your visual guide to the diagnosis of the full spectrum of breast lesions seen in core biopsy specimens, including difficult and borderline pathology. Case-based presentations correlating radiologic and pathologic findings, help pathologists, radiologists, and surgeons gain a better understanding of the entire pathology process, thus greatly improving diagnostic accuracy and subsequent therapy.
- Correlate radiologic features with pathologic findings to accurately evaluate neoplastic and non-neoplastic breast lesions.
- Consider all possible entities via differential diagnoses.
- Get hands-on advice in the assessment and evaluation of each specimen using a highlighted list of “points to remember” at the end of every work up.
- Make the most informed clinical recommendations by understanding the pitfalls and limitations of breast core biopsies.
- Solve your toughest challenges using more than 650 full-color illustrations-950 in all-for comparison.
- Avoid medico-legal implications by providing the most complete and precise diagnosis possible.
- This state-of-the-art reference is your visual guide to the diagnosis of the full spectrum of breast lesions seen in core biopsy specimens, including difficult and borderline pathology. Case-based presentations correlating radiologic and pathologic findings, help pathologists, radiologists, and surgeons gain a better understanding of the entire pathology process, thus greatly improving diagnostic accuracy and subsequent therapy.
- 216 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition (December 14, 2007)
- Language: English.
Type : PDF + EPUB
Breast Core Biopsy: A Pathologic-Radiologic Approach, 1e
by Ira Bleiweiss MD (Author), Shabnam Jaffer MD (Author), Susan R. Drossman MD (Author)
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