- 226 pages
- Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 3 edition (August 31, 2012)
- Language: English
Atlas of Laryngoscopy 3rd Edition
by Robert T. Sataloff, Mary Hawkshaw, Jonathan B. Sataloff, Rima DeFatta
The third edition of Atlas of Laryngoscopy has been updated and improved upon to present the latest information from experts in the field. Each of the 146 chapters is made up of applicable case studies and color, high-resolution photographs. As the skill of diagnosis remains critical for residents, fellows, practitioners, and academics, the third edition adds new diagnostic information. It also includes new clinical observations. Covering everything from normal vocal fold anatomy to vocal fold cancer to rare traumatic injuries, there is no other book like this in the field. It is a must-have for residents and professors alike.
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