- 301 pages
- Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (August 18, 2015)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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- Type : PDF
Athletes and Sports Medicine 1st Edition
Optimizing Physical Performance During Fasting and Dietary Restriction examines the effects of sustained fasting and food restrictions on metabolism and physical performance in athletes. It provides broad coverage including both religious and non-religious fasting and dietary restrictions.
This practical and evidence-based guide outlines recent findings from peer-reviewed literature as well as original experiments conducted by the authors, who are experts in the supervision of athletes during fasting. The book presents findings and information simply and clearly and also summarizes implications for athletes.
Written in an accessible style, each chapter reviews 30 to 100 investigations and also includes relevant citations, teaching objectives, definitions of key terms, summary of key points, practical implications for athletes, and questions for discussion
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