by Terry L. Thompson (Author)
A comprehensive reference for the current surgical landscape of arthroscopic shoulder surgery, Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: Complications and Management provides expert opinions on the management of commonly encountered and unusual complications. As there is currently no other up-to-date resource dedicated wholly to complications in shoulder arthroscopy, this will become a go-to resource.Edited by Dr. Terry L. Thompson, alongside expert contributor perspectives on management and preferred treatment, Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery is a great asset for any practicing orthopedic surgeon performing arthroscopic shoulder surgery, including fellowship-trained shoulder surgeons, sports medicine surgeons, orthopedic surgery residents, and sports medicine and shoulder fellows. By showcasing a broad range of complications and adverse outcomes, this text will assist with cases from adolescents through older adults.Each chapter in Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery includes:•Epidemiology•Review of the literature•Etiology•Author’s preferred treatment with pearls•Case presentations including radiographic and surgical images Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: Complications and Management is a necessary text discussing one of the most rapidly growing procedures in orthopedic surgery and meeting a need within the orthopedic community to discuss complications. Bringing together literature with tips and tricks from established leaders in shoulder surgery makes this an invaluable resource on handling complications of arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder.
Product Details
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated; January 10, 2022
Language: English
ISBN: 9781630917050
ISBN: 9781630917067
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