Agile Coping in the Digital Workplace(ORIGINAL PDF)
This volume outlines emerging issues for research and practice related to agile coping dynamics in the digital era. Chapters in this book report on current research on the key constructs and processes underlying coping dynamics in multi-disciplinary domains and across the life-span. Chapters compare current research trends in terms of future potential directions for research on coping dynamics in the digital era. The book also critically evaluates the relevance, applicability and utility of the research findings and theoretical premises in various classical, current and potential emerging issues for research and practice in the smart digital technological world of work for employee across their careers.
Among the topics discussed:
- The digital era: contextual issues and coping
- Issues for organizational practice
- Issues for individuals
- Coping within the employability context
Agile Coping in the Digital Era provides theoretical premises and research perspectives, while also evaluating the practical utility of theory and research ideas for management and employee practices in Industry 4.0 organizational contexts.