Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnosis (PDF) 2019
Nuclear medicine is a subspecialty of radiology which involves the use of radioactive medication(radiopharmaceuticals) to diagnose and treat disease. These radioactive materials are usually injectedinto a vein, but are sometimes swallowed or inhaled. This book is a comprehensive guide to the field ofradiology and radiotherapy for medical trainees. It offers in depth detail on radiodiagnosis, nuclearmedicine, and radiotherapy. A concise, yet comprehensive text, is tailored to suit the students,practitioners and specialists, provides the latest information on this field. It consists of contributionsmade by international experts. This book will give immense pleasure to the reader and is a goodcompanion to the students and research scholars alike. Language of the book is very simple. This bookwill prove a valuable reference for practitioners, specialists, consultants and students. Scientists andstudents actively engaged in this field will find this book full of crucial and unexplored concepts.