Pediatric Cataract Surgery and IOL Implantation A Case-Based Guide 2020 ORIGINAL PDF
Pediatric Cataract Surgery and IOL Implantation: A Case Based Guide is a must-have resource for ophthalmologists, surgeons, residents, and fellows who work with pediatric cataracts and their surgical management as well as ancillary readers such as parents or supportive caregivers to a child with cataracts.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the epidemiology of pediatric cataract surgery and IOL considerations and implantation. It addresses pre-operative considerations and examinations as well as surgical steps and techniques for various pediatric cataract conditions. Chapters begin with an introduction and are followed by discussions that offer countering viewpoints and case studies. In addition, chapters illustrate the complexity of the management of pediatric lens opacities. The book closes with a case-based approach to special considerations in IOL implantation: including considerations in the uveaitic patient, placement without capsular support, and cataract surgery in the developing world. Providing thoughtful chapters that seek to expand on the currently available literature without redundancy, this book a solid companion piece to any other text discussing pediatric cataracts.