- Hardcover: 171 pages
- Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2016 edition (March 19, 2016)
- Language: English
- Format: PDF Original
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Marathon Running: Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition and Training Aspects 1st ed. 2016 Edition
by Christoph Zinner (Editor), Billy Sperlich (Editor)
The book contains recent research about physiology, psychology, nutrition and training aspects of Marathon Running of different age, gender and performance level. The basic knowledge of marathon running with explanations of the physiological and psychological mechanisms induced by marathon training with the associated adaptations and subsequent improved physiological capacities are presented in a reader friendly format for researchers and practitioners. The book includes a full range of useful practical knowledge, as well as trainings principles to guide the reader to run marathon faster. After reading the book the reader is able to develop training plans and owns the knowledge about up-to-date scientific results in the fields of physiology, psychology, nutrition in marathon running.
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