- Explore the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryoticcells
- Understand the basics of cell function and metabolism
- Discover the differences between pathogenic and symbioticrelationships
- Study the mechanisms that keep different organisms active andalive
- Series: For Dummies Series
- Paperback: 384 pages
- Publisher: For Dummies; 1 edition (November 17, 2014)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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- Type : PDF
Microbiology For Dummies (For Dummies Series) 1st Edition
by Jennifer Stearns (Author), Michael Surette (Author)
Microbiology is the study of life itself, down to the smallestparticle
Microbiology is a fascinating field that explores life down tothe tiniest level. Did you know that your body contains morebacteria cells than human cells? It’s true. Microbes are essentialto our everyday lives, from the food we eat to the very internalsystems that keep us alive. These microbes include bacteria, algae,fungi, viruses, and nematodes. Without microbes, life on Earthwould not survive. It’s amazing to think that all life is sodependent on these microscopic creatures, but their impact on ourfuture is even more astonishing. Microbes are the tools that allowus to engineer hardier crops, create better medicines, and fuel ourtechnology in sustainable ways. Microbes may just help us save theworld.
Microbiology For Dummies is your guide to understandingthe fundamentals of this enormously-encompassing field. Whetheryour career plans include microbiology or another science or healthspecialty, you need to understand life at the cellular level beforeyou can understand anything on the macro scale.
You need to know how cells work, how they get nutrients, and howthey die. You need to know the effects different microbes have ondifferent systems, and how certain microbes are integral toecosystem health. Microbes are literally the foundation of alllife, and they are everywhere. Microbiology For Dummies willhelp you understand them, appreciate them, and use them.
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