- 397 pages
- Publisher: Thieme; 1st edition edition (March 7, 2007)
- Language: English.
- Format: PDF Original
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Gynecologic Cytology 1st edition Edition
by Hans-Friedrich Nauth (Author)
Both an atlas and a practical textbook, Gynecological Cytology is designed to improve and enhance the practitioner’s knowledge of all facets of the cellular diagnosis of gynecological disease.
More than 750 color photographs and diagrams make this book wide-ranging and easy to use. Following an overview of normal morphology the book progresses through multifaceted discussions of both benign and malignant changes, with each organ-specific discussion including results obtained from adjunct diagnostic methods. Other highlights include detailed presentations of differential diagnoses and explanations of the various consequences of specific pathological findings.
Bridging the gap between two often-separate spheres, the text also offers a wealth of practical advice: how best to collect, process, and ship specimens; information on analyzing smears and documenting the findings and on quality assurance and efficient work procedures. Essential for pathologists, laboratory assistants, gynecologists, and students, Gynecological Cytology is unparalleled in both its scope and its usefulness as a learning aid and reference.
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