Product Details
- 792 pages
- Publisher: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2 edition (October 31, 2011)
- Language: English
Type : PDF
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Spine Trauma, 2nd Edition
by Jack E. Zigler MD (Author), Jack E. Zigler (Editor), Frank J. Eismont MD (Editor), Steven R. Garfin MD (Editor), Alexander R. Vaccaro Ph.D. (Editor)
This comprehensive title covers the many elements of spinal injury care, including epidemiology, emergency evaluation, diagnosis of spine injury in the polytrauma patient and reflects advancements and options in radiologic imaging, pharmacologic management, and surgical treatment, and rehabilitation.
For a variety of upper and lower cervical spine injuries as well as the major thoracic, lumbar, and sacral injuries the editors offer a consistent and practical resource. For each injury, they provide a full review of the anatomy and evaluation methods, followed by discussion of the appropriate techniques for operative and non-operative care, concluding with the expected results of treatment, as well as potential complications.