Restorative Excellence – Occlusion on Implant Retained Restorations
In this in-depth presentation regarding Occlusion on Implant Retained Restorations, we will examine several cases. We will look at a case that is all to common where right after final delivery, major chipping takes place.
Sometimes we receive an emergency case where perhaps a patient has a bicycle accident.
What do we do?
Do we place an implant?
Do we deliver an immediately fixed temporary restoration?
And what occlusion are we going to give in order not to interfere and cause loosening of the implant and losing osseointegration?
What about an even more demanding clinical situation, such as a missing canine where the plan is to place an implant and deliver an immediate temporary restoration?
What occlusal concept are we going to utilize to prevent interference with good bone healing? To make it even more demanding we will look at a case where there is an interior gap, canine to canine, where, again implant placement is the plan.
How are we going to design our occlusal schematic so that the patient is not going to clench on these teeth at night, and possibly punch out our implants?
And, finally, we will examine a very challenging case where we have a maxillary and mandibular full-arch restoration, and incorporate an occlusal concept of a mixed dentition with implants on natural teeth (vs implants on implants).
Product Details Video
Featured Faculty: Dr. Stefan Paul CE Credits: 1 Running Time: 48 min Language: English Release Date: October 20, 2011 Format: FLV ==========================+====================== |