Treating the Edentulous Arch with Removable Implant Overdentures – Procera CAD/CAM Technology with Bar Overdentures and Fixed Implant Restorations
This lecture focuses on CAD/CAM Technology and the production of Titanium bar overdentures as well as Zirconia frameworks for fixed implant restorations.
It will illustrate the use of the acrylic verification stent and why it”s important in CAD/CAM technology. It will illustrate the exciting new technology that is available from the Procera form of software and milling capability to produce titanium bars and zirconia frameworks.
It will show the beautiful titanium bar and why it is a step up in technology, why it is an improvement over our former cast alloy technology to produce effective, successful, long-lasting overdenture therapy.
And then, finally, it will illustrate the use of some new framework design for zirconia, that will allow us to produce strong and very aesthetic, screw retained implant fixed restorations.
Product Details Video
Featured Faculty: Dr. Sam Strong CE Credits: 1 Running Time: 51 min Language: English Release Date: September 17, 2010 Format: FLV ==========================+====================== |