Shear Wave Elastography of Thyroid Nodules: A Guide to Differential Diagnosis by Means of the Stiffness Map (Original PDF)
This book is a superbly illustrated, comprehensive guide to the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules by means of shear wave elastography. A wealth of representative clinical cases are used to demonstrate the value of the stiffness map in identifying the degree and pattern of fibrosis. The goal is to enable readers to identify the characteristic differential diagnostic features of nodular hyperplasia, thyroiditis, follicular adenoma, and the various types of thyroid cancer and to predict the final histopathology on the basis of the imaging findings. With this in mind, correlations between the appearances on shear wave elastography and conventional ultrasonography and the findings of fine-needle aspiration cytology, core needle biopsy, and surgical biopsy are highlighted. In addition, the fundamental principles of shear wave elastography are clearly explained and related to clinical practice in the field of thyroid disease. Both radiologists and clinicians will find the book to be an excellent asset that aids in correct preoperative diagnosis.
AUTHORS: Myung Hi Yoo(Author),Hye Jeong Kim(Author),In Ho Choi(Author),Sumi Yun(Author)
PAGES: 171
YEAR: 2021