2018 CATBBAS IV: Live Surgery video
The 2018 Controversies, Art, and Technology in Breast and Body Contouring Aesthetic Surgery (CATBBAS) Meeting is now available. This video set features live surgery performed by leading surgeons using the most recent technology for breast and body contouring.
If you missed this event, here’s a second chance to bring the 2018 CATBBAS Meeting into the comfort of your own home or office.
Four Live Surgeries From the Event:
Case 1: Primary Breast Augmentation With B-Lite Implants – Patrick Mallucci, MD
Case 2: Gluteal Implants – Francois Petit, MD
Case 3: Implant-to-Fat Breast Augmentation – Roger Khouri, MD & Marwan Abboud, MD
Case 4: Primary Breast Augmentation With Anatomical TrueFixation Implants – Federico Mayo, MD
Available in HD Streaming or on DVD. Approximately 3 hours of operative video. 2019.
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